Donnerstag, 18.04.2024 14:27 Uhr

Chancellor Angela Merkel in Rome

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino Rome, 12.11.2019, 11:46 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Politik +++ Bericht 6899x gelesen

Rome [ENA] Italian President of the Council of Ministers Giuseppe Conte welcomed on 11th November German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Rome. Among the topics covered in the summit: migrants, Libya, NATO, the ArcelorMittal dossier. Mr. Conte sent a message for Brussels: the new coalition supports Italy's "critical but constructive" approach to Europe. Besides, the President of the Council spoke above all of migrants pointing out

the European management of the migration crisis and thanking for the German collaboration in the redistribution of refugees, as foreseen by the Malta agreement. "We need the agreement to be shared by an ever larger number of countries". German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that Italy and Germany must cooperate on Libya and migrants but there must be respect for human rights. At last the Chancellor thanked Italy for its commitment in Libya. Merkel told Conte that "cooperation with the Libyan coast guard is of great importance" but we must also involve "the UNHCR and the NGOs and guarantee reasonable standards" of human rights "which do not exist in all of Libya".

Mr. Conte publicly thanked the German government because on the issue of migrations it has not failed to give its help to Italy. Germany showed sensitivity on the overall framework of problems and on the need for redistribution. According to the Italian Premier Germany is a country in the front line and that must be recognized. Concerning the uncertainties related to the banking sector, Conte assured: "We are not afraid of shocks". And the Chancellor has admitted that now we need to make progress in the banking union declaring "banking union must be carried forward, to guarantee the stability of the euro". The slowdown of the German economy could increase the number of non-performing loans.

In fact, the German Bafin (Bundesanstalt Für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsich) fears that years of high liquidity and low interest rates, may have pushed banks to riskier loans and more loose concession criteria. Premier Conte highlighted that Italy and Germany are united against intolerance. The two countries, he said, "must work together to address the common European responsibility in providing acceptable responses to citizens. With Germany we find ourselves often sharing goals and ways of reaching them, sometimes we are not convinced of the same solutions, but we must continue to work in this direction, we must not increase intolerance and the divisive forces in the EU".

During the press conference Mr. Conte also described the Chancellor the Taranto case, which exploded after ArcelorMittal's step backwards: "We also promised ourselves a cooperation on steel to try to confront ourselves on the most advanced solutions from the technological point of view. The government is working on a solution to maintain the protection of health and the environment on the one hand and to safeguard employment levels on the other ". Furthermore Mr. Conte stated "we agreed on cooperation to try to talk on the most advanced solutions from the technological standpoint and share our knowhow" in the steel sector, referring to the ArcelorMittal and former ILVA case.

As commented by Mr. Conte the Italian government is confronted with the "challenge" of "working for a solution that keeps up the protection of health and the safeguard of jobs" at the former ILVA steel works in Taranto which ArcelorMittal is trying to get out of.

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